Tada! Finally here's my first blog. I have some trouble with the template.
I can't change my blog skin.
Agrh... But i'm fine with the bloggers' default template.
NP has started school on the 16th april. On that day, i miss school so much. I wanting to go back to study. I made many wondeful friends and had my best years in NP.

On the 7th april, my bf able to get free tickets for the night sarfai. So i invited hui and her bf, jeff to join us. It was our first time to the night sarfai. We met up at hougang to have suki sushi buffet. My bf's car tailed behind jeff's car while on our way to night sarfari. As my bf not familiar the route and jeff knows the short cut. We really enjoyed the night. Though night sarfai was very small compare to the zoo and most of the animals are sleeping. >.<''
But we enjoyed the walk in the night. The animal show wasn't that interesting. We had our tram ride at the very last. The tram ride was so comfortable that we almost fell asleep. The air was so refreshing and there was very cool breeze on that night. I still can remembered hui's joke; the bumps on the road is to wake up the passengers like us. There are some bumps along the way, the tram shake and it really wake us up. Haha. I really enjoyed myself.
Too bad, i forgot to take pictures.
20th april, i meet up hui for ice skating.
After that we went to IMM, we bought the same neacklace at diva. The neaklace having a discount; buy 1 get 1 free promotion. That neacklace i have been eyeing for months. Now finally it's mine at half price. Cheap deal! ^^
I met up my bf finally after hours of waiting. Thanks hui for accompany me. 20th april was our 999th days. I had a great weekeend with him.
Thanks dear. ♥